School Improvement Summary 2024 - 2025
School improvement is an essential part of ensuring all learners at St David's access the best learning experiences possible. We need a clear and honest understanding of what we are doing well and what we need to do better. We are committed to both sharing good practice and learning from others. We work in partnership with Welsh Government, local authority advisors, CSCjes and Llandaff Diocese. We also identify additional opportunities for professional input as necessary.
Our improvement plan is a live document and subject to change following evaluation.
Target 1: To develop effective practice for school evaluation and improvement in order to continue to raise standards and develop a positive learning environment where both learners and staff flourish.
Success Criteria:
- An effective cycle of school evaluation is in place and includes the view of all community members
- Focus areas for improvement are clear and understood by all community members
- Impact is measurable (if appropriate)
- Roles and responsibilities are defined and understood by all
- All members of the senior leadership team are enabled to carry out their leadership responsibilities effectively.
Target 2: To develop consistent approaches to assessment in order to monitor progress and identify next steps for learners.
Success Criteria:
- Consistent approaches to assessment reflected in school policy
- A whole school understanding of how and why we assess
- Evidence of assessment for learning impacting on standards
- Evidence of assessment impacting on learners understanding of how they learn and their enjoyment of learning
- Learners able to identify and understand their next steps for learning
- Parents feel well-informed about their child’s learning and how to support next steps
Target 3: To develop consistent approaches to the teaching of writing in order to raise standards.
Success Criteria:
- Consistent approaches to the teaching of writing
- Agreed criteria for monitoring progression
- Record of and balance of genres
- Key skills taught effectively
- Policies updated
- Standards of writing as expected or higher
- Improved consistency in the teaching of spelling. ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than this.
Target 4: To develop approaches which support and celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion
Success Criteria:
- All children and their families feel welcomed, valued and part of our school community
- A whole school community commitment to developing anti-racist and inclusive approaches
- A whole school community commitment to welcoming and understanding those who are seeking sanctuary
- Leaders are confident to promote and ensure equity
- Learners are ethical, informed citizens who are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past and respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society.
Pupil Development Grant 2024-2025
The school received £27,000 for the 2024 - 2025 financial year. This funding was used to ensure teaching assistants were able to support learners through:
- Precision teaching
- The Flourish programme
- Social and Emotional support